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Geoffrey Harris - Exelagri Accredited Centres
The Michelin Exelagri network is a collective of agricultural specialist tyre partners located throughout the whole of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland offering high quality tyres and tyre services.
Geoffrey Harris
Dealers information
01579 347744

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'This family run, 3rd generation business is proud to have served farmers throughout Devon and Cornwall for more than 50 years!'

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Want to find out more about Geoffrey Harris and discover their experience of the MICHELIN Exelagri network? We asked them to tell us about thier business:
Geoffrey Harris Tyres Limited
We have 1 accredited MICHELIN Exelagri location in Liskeard, Cornwall.
We have been selling Michelin tyres for over 50 years.
We hold large quantities of Michelin agricultural tyres in stock & have long serving, experienced salesmen who specialise in the agricultural sector, and can ensure to keep the farmers going 24/7.
Every job is memorable as no two jobs are the same. In Cornwall, fixing a combine on the headland looking out at the Atlantic sea on a July summers day can't be bad!
The cash back offer and Flexelagri finance makes the Michelin brand stand out from the competitors. Coupled with the knowledge that we are buying the tyre at the very best pricing out there, gives us all the reassurance we need to confidently sell the brand.
The 460/70R24 BIBLOAD HARDSURFACE. Farmers are finding that although specifically for hard surfaces, they are also performing well in the field- no other tyre in that size will out perform this one.
They are constantly performing to high standards, hard wearing compound with a comfortable ride.
This family run, 3rd generation business is proud to have served farmers throughout Devon and Cornwall for more than 50 years!