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Repairing Michelin Earthmover tyres
Repairing your earthmover tyres?
Not all kinds of damage can be repaired. All repairs must be carried out by a trained and qualified professional. A qualified tyre professional should perform a detailed inspection of the tyres before repairs can be made.
A tyre that has been run under-inflated or flat may have suffered irreparable damage, and only an exhaustive check of the inside of the tyre will reveal whether or not it can be returned to service.
It is therefore essential to remove the tyre to assess with certainity its actual condition and the type of repair to be carried out.

Edito photo repair tyre Help and Advice
Man repairing a tire
You might also find these advice pages useful:
• Choosing the right tyre
• Reading the sidewall of an earthmover tyre
• Fitting and removing tyres
• How should you store your tyres?
• What is the right pressure for earthmover tyres?
• How should you check and maintain your tyres