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Autocar sur une route
Real facts, real impact
Your business has requirements: your customers, your suppliers, they’re waiting for you. You must be on time without complications. For that, you choose to surround yourself with reliable partners.
But the trust is not enough. You need to have elements of proof, with verified benefits.
Whatever your needs, the IMPACT of your tyre choice is visible on MILEAGE performance, FUEL consumption, ENVIRONNEMENT protection... And it is even better when it is testified by trustful partners that have shown their confidence.
These FACTS come from extensive data collected on the field or from testimonies made by your peers. They come from real usage, in real conditions.
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fact5 en
The endurance trophy goes to MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ F tyres
On the steer axle, they drive 253,466 km on average, compared to 178,600 km for another premium competitor. And since they use less fuel and emit less CO2, they ensure optimal cost control.

fact1 en
Endurance record thanks to MICHELIN regrooving and retreading for the Bioret Group
Their fleet of articulated trucks is equipped with MICHELIN X LINE ENERGY 315/70R22.5. By choosing to regroove and retread the tyres, they were able to achieve this incredible result, and also reduce their cost per kilometre and their environmental footprint. We congratulate them!

fact6 en
Endurance feat with MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ T tyres
On the trailer axle, they're able to run on average 40,841 km further than a premium competitor: that's a full trip around the globe! Reliable from the first to the last kilometre, helping to control the environmental footprint, they make it possible to optimise costs at all levels.

fact7 en
The endurance of MICHELIN's regional ranges has long been proven.
In all conditions, they cover 258,684 km on average, 28% greater than premium competitors. With regional ranges, optimising costs has always been a priority. And it always will be.

fact14 en
Their fleet of 276 buses, including 50 intercity buses, roam over mountain roads as well as along major
highways. MICHELIN X® COACH™ Z is an obvious choice for them, since the tyres deliver consistent performance over an elevated number of kilometres and offer optimal safety, whatever the road conditions.
Furthermore, drivers and passengers benefit from exceptional comfort on board: MICHELIN X® COACH™ Z tyres make no noise and don’t vibrate.
For Stratos Kouroupakis and Georgios Arhontakis, all these advantages
more than make up for the difference in the purchase price.

fact2 en
27.89 fewer tons of CO2 in one year
thanks to MICHELIN Remix® retreading for Transports Jammet
It's by retreading 98% of their fleet that they were able to record such a positive carbon footprint. 94% of their tyres were also regrooved. Extending the life of each tyre, they also reduced their total cost of ownership and their CO2 emissions. Bravo Transports Jammet!

fact3 en
Double win with MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ DRIVE tyres
This range is designed to optimize mileage, yet it is also possible to cover 202,726 km on average on the drive axle. Make savings on the fuel budget while also reducing carbon emissions.

fact8 en
Frugal driving with MICHELIN X® MULTI™ T tyres
On the third trailer axle, they run on average 138,414 km - a performance that beats competitors that were tested by 16%. Since tyres are replaced less often and there are less raw materials used, the environmental footprint is also reduced. Profitable throughout!

fact9 en
Best return on investment with the MICHELIN Multi-Life model for Transports ARA
By choosing MICHELIN retreading and regrooving, they were able to increase the lifespan of each of their tyres. A winning circular economy approach that reduced their total cost of ownership and CO2 emissions.

fact10 en
MICHELIN leads in retreading
Thanks to their leading edge technology, MICHELIN casings are particularly robust and retreaded twice as often as those from competitors. Indeed, 90% of MICHELIN tyres are accepted for retreading, compared to 44% for all competitors combined. Each retreading contributes to limiting the use of raw materials and the overall environmental footprint. All told, each tyre is highly cost effective.
The truck manufacturers and tyre dealers push Michelin offers whatever the analysed criteria: they trust Michelin brand to be at their customers side. They are confident. In the facts you will be satisfied in our mileages performances, fuel consumption and environmental engagement.

fact4 en
The preferred performance among tyres goes to MICHELIN X LINE ENERGY tyres
If these tyres are requested the most often as original equipment by our customers, it's because on average they cover 235,511 km on the drive axle. And thanks to their low fuel consumption, they also lower CO2 emissions. It's possible to anticipate future VECTO requirements while optimising margins.

fact12 en
Handling, safety and low fuel consumption: Performance approved by 86% of dealers for car and van tyres
Aware of the issues your company faces, dealers trust MICHELIN tyres for their recognised performance over time and their enhanced safety. It’s for these reasons that specialists recommend them for equipping your utility or passenger vehicles. You win in the end, since you choose the brand that on average is 18 points ahead its competitors.

fact13 en
MICHELIN’s long-lasting performance recognised by specialists
They know the challenges in transport and that your business faces. 80% of distributors therefore trust the MICHELIN Group’s products. 85% of distributors acknowledge their performance in handling, safety and fuel consumption. They endorse MICHELIN’s ability to adapt to all the different ways you use their products. By following these specialists’ advice, you’re making a winning and long-lasting choice.
Fact1 - Testimonial received (by post) from Bioret Group on 17/01/2020. Tested in real conditions of use on 1,000 vehicles equipped with MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ 315/70R22.5, driving in France and Europe.
Fact2 - Testimonial received (by post) from Transports Jammet on 20/02/2014. Study performed on 470 MICHELIN tyres in 2013. 94% were regrooved and 98% were accepted for MICHELIN Remix® retreading. Retreading saved 23 tons of raw material, or the equivalent of 27.89 tonnes of CO2, for the year of 2013.
Fact3 - Tested in real conditions on the 315/80R22.5 size on the drive axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ D tyre is 202,726 km. (internal MICHELIN source and calculation for tyre lifespan, based on measurements by MICHELIN teams on 487 axles in Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Bulgaria, England, Greece, between January 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of the lifespan up to 3mm remaining. Results may vary depending on climate conditions and typesof roads. Lower fuel consumption and CO2 is tied to lower rolling resistance compared to other MICHELIN ranges.
Fact4 - ”GFK 2017” study, for a panel of 954 buyers of new articulated trucks, located in Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom: MICHELIN is the brand most often chosen in optional mounting.
Internal MICHELIN “KBI 2019” study: The MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ range is the highest-selling MICHELIN reference in Europe in 2019, sold by MICHELIN to the following truck manufacturers: Renault, Daf, Volvo.
Size 315/70R22.5 tested in real conditions on the drive axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ D tyre is 235,511 km (internal MICHELIN source and calculation of tyre lifespan, based on measurements from 2,189 axles in Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Germany, England, Portugal, Bulgaria, Belgium, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Scotland, Greece, the Netherlands, Turkey, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, between February 2014 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of lifespan up to 3mm remaining. Results may vary depending on climate conditions and type of road.
Fact5 - Size 385/55R22.5 tested in real conditions on the steer axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ F tyre is 253,466 km, with ‘A’ certification for rolling resistance (internal MICHELIN source and calculation of tyre lifespan, based on measurements made by MICHELIN teams during client visits, on 157 axles, between May 2017 and June 2019, in Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of lifespan up to 3mm remaining. In comparison, the average mileage for a GOODYEAR FUELMAX S tyre in 385/55R22.5 is 178,660 km, with ‘B’ certification for rolling resistance (internal MICHELIN source and calculation of tyre lifespan, based on measurements made by MICHELIN teams during client visits, on 193 axles, in France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Poland, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal, Croatia, England, Scotland, between July 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of lifespan up to 3mm remaining.
Fact6 - Internal MICHELIN calculation based on the earth’s circumference at the equator, which is 40,075 km. Size 385/55R22.5 tested in real conditions on the third trailer axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® LINE™ ENERGY™ T tyre is 193,696 km (internal MICHELIN source and calculation of tyre lifespan, based on measurements made by MICHELIN teams during client visits on 140 axles in Spain and Portugal, between September 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. In comparison, the average mileage for a GOODYEAR FUELMAX T tyre in 385/55R22.5 is 152,855 km (internal MICHELIN source and calculation of tyre lifespan, based on measurements made by MICHELIN teams during customer visits on 103 axles, in Spain and Portugal, between September 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. Results may vary depending on climate conditions and type of road. “To the last kilometer” is understood as up to the legal wear limit (1.6 mm). Refer to legal wear regulations in your country.
Fact7 - Average calculated internally by MICHELIN based on a setup with 2 tyres per steer axle and 4 tyres per drive axle: 53,578 km (or 28%) more for the tyres from the regional MICHELIN range compared to the average for Bridgestone, Continental and Goodyear competitors. Size 315/70R22.5 tested in real conditions on the steer axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® MULTIWAY™ 3D XZE tyre is 234,082 km (internal MICHELIN source and calculation, based on measurements made by MICHELIN teams during customer visits, on 105 axles in France, Spain, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Belgium, between October 2012 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. In comparison, with measurements taken using the same quantities in identical geographic areas, competitor performance is the following. The average mileage for a BRIDGESTONE R-STEER 001 tyre in 315/70R22.5 is 161,240 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculation of tyre lifespan, during the period between January 2014 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. The average mileage for a CONTINENTAL CONTI HYBRID HS3 tyre in 315/70R22.5 is 202,824 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculation of tyre lifespan, during the period between December 2014 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. The average mileage for a GOODYEAR KMAX S tyre in 315/70R22.5 is 180,798 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculation of tyre lifespan, during the period between July 2014 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. Size 315/70R22.5 tested in real conditions on the drive axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® MULTIWAY™ 3D XDE tyre is 249,219 km (internal MICHELIN calculation and source, based on measurements made by MICHELIN during customer visits, on 136 axles in France, Spain, England, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Portugal, Russia, Poland, between November 2012 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. In comparison, with measurements taken using the same quantities in identical geographic areas, competitor performance is the following. The average mileage for a BRIDGESTONE R-DRIVE 001 tyre in 315/70R22.5 is 176,106 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculation of tyre lifespan, during the period between January 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. The average mileage for a CONTINENTAL CONTI HYBRID HD3 tyre in 315/70R22.5 is 198,126 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculation of tyre lifespan, during the period between November 2013 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. The average mileage for a GOODYEAR KMAX D tyre in 315/70R22.5 is 211,018 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculation of tyre lifespan, during the period between January 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. Results may vary depending on climate conditions and the type of road.
Fact8 - Size 385/65R22.5 tested in real conditions on the third trailer axle and having worn down past the 50% mark, in all types of use. The average mileage for a MICHELIN X® MULTI™ T tyre is 138,414 km (internal MICHELIN source and calculations, based on measurements made by MICHELIN teams during client visits on 228 axles, in Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands, England, Germany, Turkey, between February 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with an extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. In comparison, with measurements taken using the same quantities in identical geographic areas, the average mileage for a BRIDGESTONE R168 PLUS tyre in 385/65R22.5 is 118,614 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculations of tyre lifespan, during the period between March 2015 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with an extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. In comparison, with measurements taken using the same quantities in identical geographic areas, the average mileage for a CONTINENTAL CONTI HYBRID HT3 tyre in 385/65R22.5 is 119,109 km (internal MICHELIN study and calculations of tyre lifespan, during the period between January 2016 and June 2019) and simulation based on the results collected, with an extrapolation of tyre lifespan up to 3mm remaining. Results may vary depending on climate conditions and type of road.
Fact9 - Testimonial from Transports ARA received (by post) in May 2016. Tested in real conditions on 46 trucks used entirely for goods transportation in Italy, equipped with MICHELIN X® LINE™ D or MICHELIN X® MULTIWAY™ 3D XDE tyres.
Fact10 - Study performed on over 473,000 casings between 2015 and 2018. Data collected in the United Kingdom by TRS, an independent collector of casings, calculating the acceptance rate of retreaded tyres by brand, for a first retread. Internal MICHLIN calculation performed on the number of casings at the end of their first life, by brand, and considered to be “acceptable” for retreading, divided by the number of casings at the end of their first life. Competitor average calculated using data for each competitor from the same study: Goodyear 57%, Dunlop 55%, Continental 53%, Bridgestone 50%, Fulda 44%, Sava 43%, Firestone 33%, Pirelli 20%.
Fact12 - Ipsos Study, 2020, “Distributor Satisfaction Analysis”, carried out between December 2019 and March 2020 on a panel of 1,133 passenger and light truck dealers, located in France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Romania. For 86% of passenger and light truck dealers, MICHELIN “develops tyres whose performance in handling, safety and fuel consumption last over time”, or 18 points more on average than all competitors.
Fact13 - 2020 IPSOS study “Distributor satisfaction analysis”, carried out between December 2017 and March 2020 on a panel of 183 distributors, located in France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom. 80% choose MICHELIN as the “brand I can trust”. For 85% of distributors, MICHELIN “develops tyres whose performance in handling, safety and fuel consumption lasts over time”. For 83% of respondents, MICHELIN “provides tyres that are specifically adapted to the needs of transport companies”.
Fact14 - Testimonial from KTEL company dedicated to the people transportation in Greece, with a fleet of 276 vehicles equipped with MICHELIN X® COACH™ Z tyres. (2021)